Monday, July 13, 2009

The Weather in Germany

Hooray! i have made it to Germany safe and sound. I am not staying in Frankfurt actually, but Mannheim, which is about a 30min train ride away. IT is very diverse in terms of people and everyone seems very friendly. I am also trying to learn some german lol i can now ask where the bathroom/my street/train is :) i am also learning the basic prepositions ich bin du bist eir sind etc, very useful.
my first day here, my boyfriend took me to the ARENA OF POP, which is one the largest musical festivals in Germany which just so happend to be held in mannheim this year!!!!!!!

it was very exciting, there were so many people and so many awesome food stands, i tried the most amazing fried dough square covered in this weird sourish cream thing and topped with curling cheese. It was sooooooo good, i wish i had brought my camera (sigh)

there were also many bands playing but i enjoyed silbermond the best

i am going to go look for their cd later today.

yesterday, when i had recovered from my jet lag some what (6hr time difference) max (my boyfriend) and i went to luisen park.

it was soo big and very beautiful. They have lots of lakes and gardens (citrus, medicinal, iris, etc) and lots of animals both in cages and some ranging free. i really enjoyed it. we had dinner in a nice restaurant at the park where i got to watch max expertly order everyhting in german, i am slightly jealous of how well he speaks it, many native germans think he is actually german lol. That night we watched flight plan with jodie foster in german with max's roommates lol there are so many beer commercials in germany and way too many commercials in general. I was very amused and impressed with the dubbing though, which although not entirely beyond a required a suspension of disbelief was very very passable.

today is my first day traveling around mannheim alone while max is at work, i am very excited to work the train system and maybe do some shopping :)

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